Transmission: January 2024

Time is speeding up. More and more is going to feel "unbelievable". Everything that was a smoke show is now going to dissolve and be revealed.  Anything not authentic and built from the organic won't last. Hawai‘i is going to experience massive changes, rapidly.  If you're currently living out of alignment with a deep truth or value you have been avoiding, you're going to experience immense challenge and pain. Humanity is on the warp-speed tour. Our thoughts are speeding up time. All of the hearts and souls whose consciousness is coming online are "clogging the system". Catastrophic and cataclysmic type of events will begin to appear, not all of them are "real" or if they are real they are over-dramatized. Be prepared for another attempt at restricting expression, freedom, and movement. Remain as coherent as possible. Get off your phone as much as possible.  Create more ritual, routine, and value in the immediate community and land you live on.  Unplug from any person, place, or thing that feels like it consumes you. Mind your manners, everyone's on edge, so slow down and bring more awareness into your interactions. Nothing is business as usual, but don't get bogged down or immobilized. Keep flowing no matter what, but don't use force, use your heart to bring whatever it is towards you. Dissolve tension in and around yourself by releasing expectations and stories around pretty much everything. Spend more time in nature; schedule it in. Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. You don't need more of anything, you need less noise. More time with elders & children; remain curious.  All systems are ago; prepare for the great unknown. Trust yourself and resource god. 

If this brings up anything in your chest, body, or spirit that feels dense, use your breath to move through it. If you are worried or fearful of what’s ahead, this time of great unknown, please resource god / spirit / source. Regulate your nervous system, take plenty of time to ground, listen to frequency music, put a gentle playlist on, and journal / move / meditate — anything that keeps you in a state of flow rather than immobilizing you to feel hopeless and / or helpless.

This is all part of this massive journey we are on, this incredibly devastating yet revealing time of humanity. Our awakening. Our remembrance. Our return to our true nature. Our rise to right relation with the land, each other and the divine.

Stay discerning, diligent, and devoted to your cause.


LOVE NOTE for 1/17


Collective Read for July