LOVE NOTE for 1/17

A little love note from me to you on what’s in my field, how I am supporting my nervous system, and what the future of my work looks like (for now). 💌

I have been deep in a portal of creation (finally, thank gah). Since the start of the Capricorn season, I have felt massive amounts of information run through my system and I have been taking advantage to assimilate all of it.

Naturally in Winter, we are designed to slow down. To rest, reset, to go inward. Into our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our homes. To deeply nourish ourselves. To pace ourselves. To not rush any process. To not rush the timing of the season. To let ourselves be in the purity, innocence, and stillness of the season. To let things die.

Here’s what’s been dying to make space for what is to come — insecurities around my worthiness in leadership, resistance to speak to who I am and what I offer, an intense need to look around and see how everyone else is doing it - me to me: like does anyone have this figured out and can you show me???, fear around the unknown and the missing links of the new paradigm, any walls around my heart that prevent me from being in union to the divine, making careless mistakes because I am rushing a process, conditioning around capitalism and society’s culture around success.

I’m not ready to fully launch or go into great detail about what I have been creating because I know myself quite well and imagine a lot will change from this season to the next.  It’s remarkable what happens when we allow ourselves to be who were designed to be… and for me, that means allowing myself to honor the uh-huh and nuh-uh of my sacral center whenever more clarity presents itself. Have you ever heard the saying “You are under no obligation to be who you were 5 minutes ago?”. That saying is like aloe to my busy Gemini-moon mind. It’s a soft landing space for the multifaceted/passionate/ hyphen woman that I am.

I have spent the last several months healing my anxious attachment style, softening my grip and moving into greater trust, letting awe lead my life, dressing as my higher self, asking more questions, crafting playlists that support gentle breathwork, deepening my relationships with the women in my life, releasing the desire to investigate the stories, and also building out a list of resources that support me on an emotional, spiritual, and physical level.


✶ Planning fewer things to do and structuring more rituals into my weeks
I have created morning routines and blocks of time that support moments of focused work and space for rest, being bored, and simply just being.

Softening my breath work practice
I haven’t practiced any deep or overly forceful breath work since the start of 2024, I have taken a gentle and more receptive approach to my breath work style in both practice and facilitation.

✶ Brain/heart dumps
I have been archiving my notes and creating systems that organize my notes, thoughts, and ideas. This has helped me take actionable steps on all the things I want to accomplish.

✶ Deleting the Instagram app from my phone
Taking week-long breaks from IG has increased my imagination, focus, and creativity. I occasionally log on to the web browser to check my DM’s since I still have people who use that as a form of communication with me.

✶ Do Not Disturb as the default
Honestly, not getting notifications on my phone helps me relax and stay focused whenever I am on the computer or even when my phone is nearby me.

✶ Honoring my Sacral Authority
I have been tuning into the UH-HUH and NUH-UH of my sacral center more and more with each decision/choice I make throughout the day, even the mundane or less significant seeming choices like what to eat, or if I  want a cup of that extra coffee, or do I want to attend that meditation class. All of it. And it’s helped me significantly! I no longer find myself in scenarios where I am drained.

✶ Listening to more podcasts on new paradigm business

✶ Reading / rereading
If Women Rose Rooted and The Heroine Journey

Here IS what I am ready to share when it comes to my work — I am slowly rebranding my site, restructuring my services/1:1 work, finalizing more free offerings, and crafting several self-paced courses for both new paradigm business and how to facilitate women’s circles. I will also be offering virtual and in-person training on how to begin and deepen your role as a facilitator. I am taking courses and learning more about Human Design so I can incorporate it into my work as well. Wow, let’s go!

Lastly, I want to take on more speaking opportunities and am growing my podcast this year. I desire to offer more inspiration about the world we are birthing: The new paradigm is ready for you. How will you offer your unique purpose to it?

With gratitude,
xx T




Transmission: January 2024