Channeled Message for 2022

Light and dark become harmonious.  Expect a year of revelation, yes, even more, is to be revealed to us. Trust in the flow, and allow for the great cosmic intelligence to guide you through this next year. When you release the desire to micromanage the outcome, the universe can provide assistance and magic to your life. 2022 asks us to re-wild, ground even further in, allow for your animalistic essence to be cultivated and unleashed.  You were born for more. Can you feel it? 

The Child of Worlds asks us to play in the realm of magic, curiosity, and innocence. What would our year look like if we dropped our armor, if we allowed for more intimacy with ourselves and others.  The World card, often look at as a completion card speaks to the wholeness that you already are.  I knew this card wanted to come out, it also speaks to me about shifting into a collective desire to save the planet. Yes, in the physical sense but also in the spiritual realm. Are we capable and willing to choose love as a unifying frequency for this planet?  Are we willing to bring balance into this life by bridging the ancient wisdom with the new. The Love and Power card speaks to our ability to accept responsibility for our actions, our thoughts, our output of energy.  2022 has the immense opportunity to be POWERFUL, but how will we use that power - will it be for destruction or the creation of peace and enlightenment for ALL.

If we decide that humanity is worth saving, it will require us to truly step into this further act of harmonizing all aspects of ourselves.  2021 was much about revealing our shadow on an individual level, 2022 will be the shadow reveal for the collective. Are you ready to see where we have done terribly wrong? Are you ready to awaken to the truth of how our world is? Are you ready to take accountability and to step up to save and serve humanity? I am not saying this to scare you, I am sharing this so that you can decide for yourself how you want the world to either contract or expand in this next year.

The Wa’a card represents transition, allowing for the winds to carry us where we need to travel to.  Not all sailing is smooth, expect delays, reroutes, uncharted seas. But ultimately, trust that you will reach your destination. Also, it is important I point out that along the journey you will often feel alone, but if you just are willing to look up to the stars you will realize you are always held in the great embrace of this entire system.   Great changes are on the horizon, but no change is met with out some sort of disruption. If 2021 felt overwhelming to you, 2022 has the chance to feel lighter because you will be able to see how it strengthened you for this next part. Timing is everything, trust all redirections as a way to keep you protected.

The Father card, another representation of the balancing of light and dark invites us to look into how we place such authority on the figures in our life, let us remember their humanity. Let us embrace each other and ourselves with a level of compassion for our imperfections, our mistakes, our wrong doings. Are we willing to hold a level of compassion for this part of us? Can we finally accept our duality?

As we harmonize the frequency within ourself, we contribute to the equalizing of the planet and the collective.  Anything is possible in 2022, a year of magical thinking.  Can your child like innocence, curiosity, and pure connection to source allow for you to create the life of your dreams? Before a child is told what or who they should be, they are full of imagination. They are tethered to an invisible source that leads them into action, play, and creation. Can you re-tether to this source? In 2022, you are the child. Brave, courageous, and ready for the world to nourish you. This is your initiation, are you ready to for your vital role and purpose in this lifetime? 

Despite what has been, there is still time. But we must act now.  Love can still be our overruling power.  It’s not too late. Are you ready to awaken to what has been so that we can create what needs to be?  Are you willing to choose LOVE over anything else? Let 2022 bring you even closer to source, may it remind you of the divinity and power you possess. May all of your magical thoughts become reality. May you be ready to see just what is possible. May you allow for the great cosmic intelligence to wrap its warmth around you. This is my wish for you and all of humanity. 



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The Two of Cups