channeled message: It’s (show)time

I sat down the morning of Tuesday, July 20, 2021, to ask for guidance and messages for those who needed to hear it. My guides told me to use the Voyager Tarot deck to extract what needed to come forth. I rarely use Tarot, I mostly am drawn to Oracle cards, but this deck has always been quite the “messenger” for me.

Two of Wands - Purity
We are in a time of purification, which means past choices, traumas, relationships, anything no longer serving our higher purpose is coming to the surface. Anything unhealed, anything held with fear will be revealed to you. Purity is an incredible process, but the steps to get here are harsh, muddled, and painful. Keep going.

Man of Wands - Actor
Drop. The. Mask. Speak your truth, stop playing the role that your conditioned environment has forced on you. Pick up the script, rewrite it. Get in touch with you truly are. This is NOT a dress rehearsal. This is the greatest show on earth. It’s showTIME.

Here you are. Divine creation. Are you willing to step into the role you were destined to fill? The Empress is the healer, the mother, the home, she is the ultimate caretaker. She sees all, knows all, cares for all. Be held by her divinely guided wisdom, love, and nurturing.

Sage of Crystals - Knower
It’s time to refine your knowing and perception, is there something you’ve been storing in a separate channel or system? Have you been denying newfound evidence? Have you held back from sharing your findings for fear of judgment? Your knowing is your power. You knowing is your truth.

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I channeled this for anyone who needed to read it in the present moment. If this is came across your sphere, it is meant for you. Take what resonates. Thank you for being here. Thank you for standing in your knowing, in love, in truth. It’s showTIME.


september 2021 messages


How I Found My Home in Waimea